Demographic Case Study: France

Major Demographic Characteristics

Figure 6: France's Age Structure Percentage
Population: 64,768,389 (July 2010 est.)
Age Structure:
0-14 years: 18.6%
15-64 years: 65%
65 years and over: 16.4%
Median Age: 39.7 years
Population Growth Rate: 0.525% (2010 est.)
Birth Rate: 12.43 births/1,000 population (2010 est.)
Death Rate: 8.65 deaths/1,000 population (July 2010 est.)
Net Migration Rate: 1.47 migrant(s)/1,000 population (2010 est.)
Life Expectancy : 81.09 years
Total Fertility rate: 1.97 children born/woman (2010 est.)

(CIA World Factbook)

Demographic Transition Model

Figure 7: Demographic Transition Model with 5 Stages
France is currently in Stage 4 of the Demographic Transition Model. It is characterized with a slowly increasing population and a crude birth rate of 12.43 per 1000 and death rate of 8.65 per 1000. Its total fertility rate is 1.97, slightly below the replacement rate of 2.1. France is not yet in Stage 5 because its population has not started to decline as characterized in Stage 5 countries, such as Japan and Italy.

Population Pyramids

As can be seen from the below population pyramids, the baby boomers are in their 40s to 50s in 2000. We then can see the transition of this generation's "bulge" on the pyramid as a working population, then later as a retirement population. The implications of this trend will be more thoroughly discussed in the next tab "Population Challenges".
Figure 8: France's Population Pyramids (2000-2050)